Economic Demographers

Expectancy Data is the publishing division of John Ward Economics located in Prairie Village, Kansas.  Expectancy Data repackages federal economic, health, and demographic data for forensic economists, public health economists, and demographers. 

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The Dollar Value of a Day, 2022, combines the 2003 to 2022 samples of the U.S. Census Bureau's American Time Use Survey (ATUS) with hourly wage information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OEWS). The result is a daily valuation of activities for 385 demographic groupings of persons in the United States. The 2022 DVD contains 385 demographic groupings along with an estimate of the household production that people perform for their exclusive benefit as opposed to the benefit of other household members or their household.

The 2022 edition calculates sample variance using the ATUS’s 160 replication weights for each day observed, and confidence intervals are reported for the main statistical findings. OEWS mean wages are used to value all time except for “Working at Job,” where respondents report their usual weekly earnings and hours worked. The 2022 DVD reports the median wage rate for self-reported earnings. 

Price: $269 (PDF download) $289 (Print Spriral bound)

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 Full-time Earnings in the United States, 2019


Full-time Earnings in the United States, 2019 uses the Census' combined 2015-2019 microdata public use sample of the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey data regarding annual, full-time earnings by age with tables by education, gender, and race; and (2) tables by occupation, education, and gender.

Also included are regression estimated age-earnings profiles at the mean and 25th, median, and 75th percentile levels. Regression coefficients, standard errors, and t-statistics are reported.

Also, when sufficient state-level population exist, the tables provide an adjustment factor to the mean earnings difference between the national and state level.

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Price: tbd

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 Employer Paid Benefits, March 2021

 In this report, we present an alternative presentation of the published data in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (ECEC) quarterly report. The ECEC report provides 327 tables of detailed employer costs of the components of employee compensation. The data are presented from 2010 to March 2021 in dollars per hour worked by employees. Along with dollar amounts, the BLS report shows benefit costs as a percentage of total compensation costs. This report presents an alternative presentation of benefit costs: benefit costs as a percentage of total money wages. We define total money wages as the sum of wages and salaries, paid leave, and supplemental pay.

Price: $149 (Printed Paper) / $129 (PDF download)

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 Healthy Life Expectancy, 2018 Tables

Healthy Life Expectancy combines the U.S. Department of Health's 2018 National Health Interview morbidity status of the U.S. population data by gender, race, and Hispanic origin with the Centers for Disease Control's 2018 U.S. Life Tables to arrive at a metric regarding remaining years of full function life by beginning of year age, gender, race, and Hispanic origin. This edition contains an entire reprint of the U.S. Life Tables, 2018.

Price: $109 (PDF download) / $119 (Printed Paper)

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